Kenya Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Eradication Council (KENTTEC) is a state corporation mandated to coordinate all Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis eradication activities in Kenya

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Mrs. Agnes Ikolot Otwani

Regional Co-ordinator Western Region

Mrs. Agnes Ikolot Otwani is the Regional Coordinator for Western Region caved from the larger Lake Victoria Basin Region. Her duties and responsibilities involve coordination of tsetse and trypanosomiasis eradication activities in Nyanza region. She has formerly worked as the zoologist in-charge of PATTEC activities in Teso North and Teso South Sub counties for four years and as the zoologist in-charge of KENTTEC activities in Busia County for two years.

She holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Makerere University with a Zoology major and Botany minor.  She is currently writing her thesis for a Master of Science in Applied Parasitology at Kenyatta University. She has gained a lot of experience from working in the field and attending short courses in Geospatial analysis of disease vectors and use of GIS and Population genetics to identify isolated tsetse populations.