Kenya Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Eradication Council (KENTTEC) is a state corporation mandated to coordinate all Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis eradication activities in Kenya

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Mr. Bernard Kipkemboi Chemweno

Regional Co-ordinator L.Victoria

Mr. Bernard Kipkemboi Chemweno is the KENTTEC’s Regional Coordinator for Lake Victoria Region. His duties and responsibilities involve coordination of KENTTEC’s activities of Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis eradication in the region that covers four (4) infested counties in Nyanza, Western part of Kenya. Previously, he was the Regional Coordinator, Western Region for 3 years; Zoologist in charge of PATTEC/ KENTTEC activities in Lamu county for 3 years.

He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Moi University having majored in Zoology with a minor in Botany and a member of Entomological Society of Kenya (ESK).