Sylvia Muthama- Korir
Director – Research and Collaboration
Sylvia holds a Bachelor of Science (Zoology) Degree from the University of Nairobi and a Master of Science (Environmental Studies) Degree from Maasai Mara University. She has 11 years’ experience as a Zoologist undertaking vector control operations and integrating stakeholder participation in tsetse control in Narok County. The officer has also served for 4 years as a KENTTEC Regional coordinator facilitating the implementation of control programs in North and South Rift Counties before appointment to KENTTEC headquarter office as a Director for Research and Collaboration.
As the Director for Research and Collaboration, she co-ordinates, guides and facilitates research, science and technology in eradication of Tsetse & Trypanosomiasis as well as promotes collaboration and partnership among stakeholders on T&T eradication. The Directorate also designs and implements programs on assessment and improvement of T&T control technologies as well as facilitates the development, implementation, monitoring and review of policies and strategies on tsetse and Trypanosomiasis eradication.