Kenya Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Eradication Council (KENTTEC) is a state corporation mandated to coordinate all Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis eradication activities in Kenya

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Mr. Moses Lekishon Kenana

Mr. Moses Lekishon Kenana -He represents the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) on the KENTTEC board. Mr. Kenana is a wildlife ecologist and manager currently serving as the deputy director conservation science programs. KWS is a major stakeholder in KENTTEC because many of the protected areas are habitats for tsetse and the wild animals are reservoirs of trypanosome parasites.

Mr. Kenana’s presence on the board will further enhance the good collaborative working relationship between the two organizations. Mr. Kenana is currently a PhD candidate in animal ecology at Wageningen University in the Netherlands. He also holds both a Master of Philosophy and Bachelors of science degrees in Wildlife Management from Moi University.