Kenya Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Eradication Council (KENTTEC) is a state corporation mandated to coordinate all Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis eradication activities in Kenya

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Mr. Ali Hassan Mohamed

Mr. Ali Hassan Mohamed- Mr. Ali Hassan joined the KENTTEC Board in April 2022 as farmers’ representative. Hassan brings on board a wealth of managerial experience gathered from the Livestock sector. He is an accomplished and well-experienced development professional with 38 years of practice.

He has led and advised public, private and development programs in the areas of agricultural livelihood, water and sanitation, women and youth economic empowerment and entrepreneurship development. Previously he has held various employment portfolios over his career period. The most recent was his role as Portfolio Director with Kenya Market Trust (KMT). At KMT he over saw the organization’s agenda of transformation and development four key sectors – Livestock, agricultural inputs, water and Dairy using markets systems development approach (MSD).

He has robust experience in private sector work, political economy analysis and facilitation of public private dialogues and community level engagement. He is a member of the Kenya Institute of Management professionals and possesses certification for various skills, competencies and capacities. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Animal Production and Diploma in Range Management from Egerton University.