Kenya Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Eradication Council (KENTTEC) is a state corporation mandated to coordinate all Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis eradication activities in Kenya

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KENTTEC holds a consultative meeting with CEVA/LAPROVET

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  • KENTTEC holds a consultative meeting with CEVA/LAPROVET
KENTTEC Chairman Dr. Geoffrey Mutai and CEO Dr. Seth Onyango with CEVA/LAPROVET Technical Ruminant Manager for Africa, Marjorie Bouchier

A consultative meeting between KENTTEC Management led by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Dr. Seth Onyango and CEVA/LAPROVET, led by the Technical Ruminant Manager for Africa, Marjorie Bouchier. The meeting addressed strengthening of collaboration between KENTTEC and CEVA/LAPROVET so as to enhance service delivery to livestock keepers in tsetse infested and trypanosomiasis endemic areas within the Country.

Fig 1: KENTTEC CEO Dr. Seth Onyango (R) with the CEVA/LAPROVET Team

This collaboration will involve integrated management of tsetse and trypanosomiasis focusing on diagnostics, vector control, treatment and capacity building of livestock keepers.

Fig 2: Meeting between KENTTEC and CEVA/LAPROVET Team at the KENTTEC Boardroom

The CEVA/LAPROVET team also paid a courtesy call to the KENTTEC Board Chairman, Dr. Geoffrey Muttai and briefed him on the consultations that went on during the meeting.

Fig 3: CEVA/LAPROVET Team Pay the KENTTEC Chairman Dr. Geoffrey Mutai a courtesy call

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